
Be Grateful and start to fill in the rest ...

The great scientist Albert Einstein revolutionized the way we view time, space, and gravity.  From his poor background and poor beginings, you would have thought it impossible for him to achieve all tat he did.  Einstein knew a great deal of The Secret, and he said, "Thank you" hudreds of times each day.  He thanked all the great scientists who had preceded him for their cotributions, which had enabled him to learn and achieve even more in his work, and eventually become one of the greatest scientiets sho has ever lived.

One of the most powerful uses of gratitude can be incorporated in the Cretive Process to turbo-charge what ou want.  First step of the Creative Process, Ask, start by writing down what you want.  "Begin each sentence with, I am so happy and grateful now that ... "  (and you fill in the rest)

KL, Malaysia

No Newspaper?

When I discovered The Secret I made a decision that I would not watch the news or read newspapers anymore, because it did not make me feel good.  The news services and the newspapers are ot in any way to blame for broadcasting bad news.  As a global community, we are responsible for it.  We buy more newspapers when a huge drama is the headline.

The news channels' ratings skyrocket when there is national or international disaster.  So the newspapers and news services give us more bad news because, as a society, that's what we are saying we want.  Te media is effect, and we are cause. It is just he law of attraction in action!

The news services and newspapers will change what they deliver to us when we emit a new signal and focus on what we want.

James Arthur Ray

KL, Malaysia


Follow your bliss..

"Follow your bliss. Find where it is and don't be afraid to follow it."

KL, Malaysia

Measure of life..

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

KL, Malaysia



人生在世, 实在只做两件事, 那就是"学习""经历", 我们知道及了解的永远不会比不知道及不了解的多, 因此人生是一段不断学习, 经历与精进的过程; 每一个人每天, 每时, 每分, 每秒都在经历, 而每一段经历都带给我们不同的"讯息""感受", 聪慧的人洞察入微, 能从每一个"发生"中去获得讯息, 并採取实际的行动去改善及调整步伐, 从中学习及成长!

生命中没所谓的好坏, 每一个"发生"都是多面的, 由于生命经历的不同, 因此每一个人对"发生"的解读都不尽相同, 但老天总是有"讯息"要给于当事者, 聪慧者懂得解读及改善, 人生此一階段因此不需"重考", "过关"后可更上层樓, 并迎来力量, 准备迎接下一个"学习"与"经历"的机会.

每一次的"学习"是为了下一次的"经历", 你是否也能从这些"发生"中去寻得"讯息", 并赢得学习及成长的机会?  祝福你!

吉隆坡, 马来西亚




KL, Malaysia



記者很煩,就將一本雜誌的封底撕碎,對他兒子說:「 你先將這上面的世界地圖拼完整,爸爸就陪你玩。」

KL, Malaysia




KL, Malaysia

Sense of..


KL, Malaysia



KL, Malaysia


Learn from Mistake


KL, Malaysia


Feeling of Love..

The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit.  The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.

KL, Malaysia





北極熊有一個特性:嗜血如命,這就足以害死牠了。 牠的鼻子特靈,可以在好幾公里之外就嗅到血腥味,此時牠一定聞到愛斯基摩人丟在雪地上的冰棒,於是迅速趕來覓食,開始舔起血冰棒,舔著舔著,舌頭漸漸麻痺,但是還是不願意放棄這樣的美食,忽然血的味道變好了








美國一個週刊 TIME : 做過一個調查,針對世界百大企業的退休CEO,請他們填一份問卷,其中前十大企業的老闆,對其中一個問題都有相同的答覆,這個問題是:





KL, Malaysia 


Feel Good!...2

No one can tell you whether you are feeling good or bad, because you are the only one who knows how you're feeling at any time.  If you're not sure how you're feeling, just ask yourself, "How am I feeling?"  You can stop and ask this question often during the day, and as you do you will become more aware of how you're feeling.

The most important thing for you to know is that it is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts.  That would defy the law (law of attraction), because your thoughts cause your feelings.  If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking thoughts that are making you feel bad.

Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on.  When you are feeling bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things.  The law of attraction must respond by broadcasting back to you more picture of bad things and things that will make you feel bad.

As you feel bad, and don't make any effort to change your thoughts and feel better, you are in effect saying, "Bring me more circumstances that will make me feel bad.  Bring it on."  So, it's extremely important to feel good!

KL, Malaysia

Feel Good!

It's impossible to monitor every thought we have.  Researchers tell us that we have about sixty thousand thoughts a day.  Can you imagine how exhausted you'd feel trying to control all sixty thousand of those thoughts?  Fortunately there's an easier way, and it's our feeling.  Our feeling let us know what we're thinking.  And it's important to feel good !

KL, Malaysia




KL, Malaysia

Watch your Thoughts... 2

The frequency of thoughts matched the frequency of the event.  If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they have no control over outside circumstances, those thoughts of fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

KL, Malaysia

Watch your Thoughts..

Most of us attract by default.  We just think that we don't have any control over it .  Our thoughts and feelings are on autopilot and so everything is brought to us by default.

Bob Doyle

KL, Malaysia


The fact of Life...

Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you're attracted.  Now I know the first blush that's going to be something that you hate to hear.  You're going to immediately say, "I didn't attract the car accident.  I didn't  attract this particular client who gives me a hard time.  I didn't particularly attract the debt."  And I'm here to be a little bit in your face and to say, yes you did attract it.  This is one of the hardest concepts to get, but once you've accepted it, it's life transforming.

Dr Joe Vitale

KL, Malaysia



I kept my mind focused on abundance and all being well.  I knew with every fiber of my being that the Universe would provide, and it did.  It provided in ways I could not have imagined.  I had my moments of doubt, but when the doubt came I immediately moved my thoughts to the outcome of what I wanted.  I gave thanks for it, I felt the joy of it, and I BELIEVED!

KL, Malaysia

Be Thankful..

The great scientist Albert Einstein revolutionized the way we view time, space, and gravity.  From his poor background and poor beginnings, you would have thought it impossible for him to achieve all that that he did.

Einstein knew a great deal of the Secret, and he said, "Thank You" hundreds of times each day.  He thanked all the great scientists who had preceded him for their contributions, which had enabled him to learn and achieve even more in his work, and eventually become one of the greatest scientists who has ever lived.

One of the most powerful uses of gratitude can be incorporated in the Creative Process to turbo-charge what you want.  As Bob Proctor advised in the first step of the Creative Process, Ask, start by writing down what you want.  "Begin each sentence with, I am so happy and grateful now that..."  (and you fill in the rest).

KL, Malaysia

Never Doubt! Just Act!

The Universe likes speed.  Don't delay.  Don't second guess.  Don't doubt.  When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, ACT!  That's your job.  And that's all you have to do!

KL, Malaysia

Just Let It Be..

How it will happen, HOW the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job.  Allow the Universe to do it for you.  When you are trying to work out HOW it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of  FAITH - that you don't believe you have it already.  You think YOU have to do it and you do not believe the Universe will do it for you.  THE  HOW  IS  NOT  YOUR  PART  IN  THE  CREATIVE  PROCESS!

KL, Malaysia

You can have what you Want!

"  You can have what you want - if you know how to form the mold for it in your own thoughts.  There is no dream that may not come true, if you but learn to use the Creative Force working through you.  The methods that work for one will work for all.  The key to power lies in using what you have... freely, fully... and thus opening wide your channels for more Creative force to flow through you."

Robert Collier

KL, Malaysia


Life = Fun

It look a lot of years for me to get this point, because I grew up very much with this ides that there was something I was supposed to do, and if i wasn't doing it, God wouldn't be happy with me.

When I really understood that my primary aim was to feel and experience joy, then I began to do only those things which brought me joy.  I have saying: "If it ain't fun, don't do it!"

Jack Canfield

KL, Malaysia


KL, Malaysia


KL, Malaysia

Switch on..

Change the FREQUENCY 
by changing your THOUGHTS!

KL, Malaysia

You have the ability to make thing happen!

"That a man can change himself.... and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every ming who is wide-awake to the power of right thought."

Christian D. larson (1866-1954)

KL, Malaysia



才能留下人生的幽香 …… 
       .... 是最幸福的.

LA, California








LA, California



Use the power of the Universe by intending before every car trip that the traffic will flow effortlessly, that you will be relaxed and happy, and that you will arrive in perfect time.

Happy driving!

LA, California

You CAN feel better

It is important to remember that it is your thoughts and feelings together that create with the law of attraction, and you cannot separate them.  Also remember that it's your feelings that are summing up your overall frequency and telling you what you are creating in this moment.

So how are you feeling right now?  Could you feel better?  Well then, do what it takes right now to feel better.

LA, California

In Control

"Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power."

RENE DESCARTES (1596 - 1650)

LA, California

The Way to Oversome the Negative Thought

Here is a way to stop negative thought:  Focus your mind on your heart.  Breathe in deeply, keeping your focus on your heart.  Really concentrate on feeling love in your heart.  Breathe out holding your focus on your heart and feeling the love in your heart.  Repeat this a total of seven times.

When you do this correctly, you will feel a very big difference in your mind and your whole body.  You will feel more peaceful, you will feel lighter, and you will have stopped those negative thoughts.

LA, California

Who you are?

Negative thoughts are not who you are.  Your true nature is all good.  So if by chance a negative thought comes, say to yourself, "These thoughts are not mine, and they do not belong with me.  I am all good and I have only good thoughts for myself and everyone."

Now you are speaking the truth!

LA, California


The Way of Solution

When you focus with someone on a problem they are having, you are not helping them or you, because you are both adding energy to the problem.  You are also both attracting more "like" problems to you.

Knowing this, it's very important for you and the other person to focus on what you both want.  The person with the problem should be encouraged to speak about what they want instead of about the problem, which is what they don't want.  The problem arose in the first place from the person thinking or talking about what they didn't want, so the chain reaction must stop.  Help those close to you by encouraging them to speak the words of what they want.  That's always the solution.

LA, California

You Are The Cause

You can turn your life into paradise, but the only way you can do it is to make the inside of you a paradise.  There is no other way.

You are the cause; you life is the effect.

LA, California

Live harmony with the law...

The law of attraction is infallible, and every single person is getting what they are asking for, even though most of the time each person is not aware that they are asking for what they don't want.  There is such absolute beauty in the law, which is so responsive and giving in every single moment so that we can experience our lives.

The law never changes - we must learn how to live in harmony with the law.  that is the greatest task for every single human being.

LA, California


Make it a habit !

Write down all the great things about everyone you know.  Make a huge list of all the wonderful things about you.  Compliment people wherever you go.  Praise every single thing you see.  Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day better for having seen you.  Say "Thank you" at every turn.  Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude.

When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being.

LA, California

Be Joyful..

"In every word you use, there is a power germ which expands and projects itself in the direction your word indicates, and ultimately develops into physical expression.  For example, you wish the consciousness of joy.  Repeat the word "JOY"  secretly, persistently, and emphatically.  The repetition of the word "joy" sets up a quality of vibration which causes the joy germ to begin to expand and project itself until your whole being is filled with joy.  This is not a mere fancy, but a truth."

Your Invisible Power

LA, California

Joy Attracts Joy..

Whevener you remember, at any time of the day, say "I  AM  JOY".  Say it hundreds of times a day if you like.  Say it often, but say it very, very slowly, giving equal emphasis to each word.  I - AM - JOY.  Feel the meaning of the words as you slowly say them, and experience as much of a feeling of joy within you as you can.  Build on that feeling every single day.  You will get better and better at it.

Feel that joy inside you more than you react to outside circumstances, and you will change the outside circumstances.

Joy attracts joy.

LA, California


Belief adds Power to your Words

The effective use of affirmation depends entirely on how much you believe them when you say them.  If there is no belief, then the affirmation is just words that have no power.  Belief adds power to your words.  

When you believe what you say, you just created it, no matter what it is.

LA, California


The law of attraction is like a giant photocopying machine, giving back to you exactly what you are thinking and feeling.  If things are coming into your life that you do not want, then it is certain that most of the time you are not aware of the thoughts you thinking or of your feelings.  Become aware of your feelings so when you are not feeling good you can stop and change the way you feel.  And how do you do that?  You think thoughts that make you feel good.

Remember that you cannot think good thoughts and feel bad, because your feelings are the result of your thoughts.

LA, California

Einstein - The Power of Gratitude

Every single religion speaks of giving thanks.  All the sages and saviors of the world demonstrated the use of gratitude in all their teachings.  The greatest human beings who have ever lived showed us the way with gratitude, and by their example became shining lights in our history.

Surely this is why Einstein said Thank you hundred of times every single day!

LA, California

Take the Easy Path

Our natural state of being is joy.  It takes so much energy to think negative thoughts, to speak negative words, and to feel miserable.  The easy path is good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.

Take the easy path.

LA, California

Learn from the Feedback

Your advancement in mastering the law of attraction is based on learning and then practicing what works best for you.

Every day you can see what you have been thinking through what is happening in your life.  Your entire world is a movie, showing you how you are going.  You are not in the dark - you are getting feedback.  Learn from the feedback.  Observe what comes to you easily and think about what you did for that thing to come easily.

Know yourself, and you will become a master of the law of attraction.

LA, California

Man is what He Believes

"Man is what he believes."  

ANTON CHEKHOV (1860-1904)
The Notebook of Anton Chekhov




When you were a small child playing make-believe, do you remember how convincing your imagination was to you?  Well, this is what you must do when you want anything.  Secretly, inside yourself, pretend that you have what you want already.  For exmaple, if you want friends, make believe or pretend that you have great friends now.

The moment you tip the balance by imagining and feeling that you have great friends now more than noticing that you don't, you will have great friends.

This simple formula applies to everything.

LA, California

Practice your FEELING

Get into the feeling of having what you want now, and keep feeling that.  It will be the most wonderful feeling in the world.  As you practice the feeling, it will get stronger and stronger.  You will begin to feel that you already have what you want.  When you do this, the law must respond.

Remember that the law has never failed in anything it has undertaken, and it will not fail in your case either.

LA, California