
Greatest Revolution

"The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."

WILLIAM JAMES (1842-1910)


Begin To Ask The Questions

Beginning to ask question about life is a sign you are having a major breakthrough.

The Truth of Life is right here for everybody, as it has always been, but only the ones who ask questions recieve the answers and discover the truth. When we ask questions, deeply wanting to know the answers in a form that we can understand.

To receive answers in life, you must begin to ask.



Move Forward

No matter where you are, no matter how difficult things might appear to be, you are always being moved toward magnificence.







Everything Happen For a Reason

Look for the gifts in everything, especially when you are facing what appears to be a negative situation.

Everything that we attract causes us to grow, which means that ultimately everything is for our own good.

Adjusting to a new path and a new direction will require new qualities and strengths, and these qualities are always exactly what we need to acquire in order to accomplish the great things ahead in our life.


90/10 Principle

Discover the 90/10 Principle.

It will change your life (at least the way you react to situations).

What is this principle? 10% of life is made up of what happens to you.

90% of life is decided by how you react.

What does this mean?

We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us.

We cannot stop the car from breaking down. The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off.

A driver may cut us off in traffic.

We have no control over this 10%.

The other 90% is different.

You determine the other 90%.

How? ……….By your reaction.

You cannot control a red light, but you can control your reaction.

Don't let people fool you; YOU can control how you react.

Let's use an example.

You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just happened.

What happens next will be determined by how you react.

You curse.

You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears.

After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table.

A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus.

Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school.

Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit.

After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school.

Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase.

Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home.

When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.

Why? …. Because of how you reacted in the morning.

Why did you have a bad day?

A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?

The answer is “D".

You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.

Here is what could have and should have happened.

Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time".

Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus.

She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having.

Notice the difference?

Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended different.


Because of how you REACTED.

You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle. If someone says something negative about you, don't be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don't have to let the negative comment affect you!

React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off! Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them?

WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive?Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.

You are told you lost your job.Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job.

The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take outpour frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on.

Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse.

Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it. The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle.

The result?

Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. We all must understand and apply the 90/10 principle.

It CAN change your life!!!





The Universe is guiding you and communicating with you in every second of yis responding to your thoughts and it is giving you invaluable feedback through your feelings. Your feelings are cosmic communication! The good feelings mean, GOOD FOR YOU. The bad feelings are to get your attentin so that you will change what you are focusing on.

Tune in to the cosmic communication that is with you every day. You are never alone, not for a second. The Universe is right with you at every step, guiding you. But you have to listen.



To change your life fase, use gratitude to shift your energy. When you put all of your energy into gratitude, you will see miracles take place in your life.

To change things quickly, commit to writing 100 things you are grateful for each day, until you see the change. And FEEL the gratitude. Your power is in the FEELING that you put into the words of gratitude.



Buck Rodgers

Be willing to change

anything and everything,

including your mind

The only sacred cow

is your principles




朋友手拿一份報紙 說讓我做一個小小的測驗,我欣然同意了。

問題一: 如果你知道有一個女人懷孕了,她已經生了八個小孩, 其中有三個耳朵聾、兩個眼睛瞎、一個智能不足, 而這女人自己又有梅毒,請問,你會建議她墮胎嗎? 我剛要回答,朋友制止了我,又問我第二個問題。

問題二: 現在要選舉一名領袖,而你這一票很關鍵。 下面是關於這三位候選人的一些事實:


跟一些不誠實的政客有往來,而且會咨詢占星學家。 他有婚外情,是一個老煙槍,每天喝8─10杯的馬丁尼。


他過去有兩次被解雇的記錄,睡覺睡到中午才起來, 大學時吸過鴉片,而且每天傍晚會喝一夸特的威士忌。


他是一位受勛的戰爭英雄,素食主義者,不抽煙, 只偶爾喝一點啤酒。從沒有發生過婚外情。 請問你會在這些候選人中選哪一個?



我聽了答案驚訝地張大了嘴巴。 朋友表情凝重地問我: 你是不是為世界人民選擇了希特勒? 那你會建議這位婦女墮胎嗎? 我說:這個問題不用考慮,我們受計劃生育優生優育教育多年了, 都生那麼多歪瓜劣棗了,就別再添亂了。當然墮胎啊。

朋友說:你殺了貝多芬,她是貝多芬的母親。 我又一次吃驚地張大了嘴巴。 朋友說:嚇一跳吧?本來你認為很好很人道主義的答案, 結果卻扼殺了貝多芬、創造了希特勒? 最後朋友總結道: 所以不要用既定的價值觀來思考事物





Joy is like a boomerang;

the moment

you fling it, it returns.


知道如何停止, 才知道如何高速前進.

練過溜冰的人都知道, 最大的體會就是停不下來. 所有剛學的人根本就不知道怎麼停止, 怎麼保持平衡. 經過反覆練習, 終於學會了在任何坡上停止, 滑行, 再停止. 因為知道只要想停, 一轉身就能停下來.

只有知道如何停止的人, 才知道如何高速前進.



放棄是一種智慧 缺陷是一種恩惠

當你擁有六個蘋果的時候, 千萬不要把它們都吃掉, 因為你把六個蘋果全都吃掉,你也只吃到了六個蘋果, 只吃 到了一種味道, 那就是蘋果的味道.

如果你把六個蘋果中的五個拿出來給別人吃, 儘管表面上你丟了五個蘋果, 但實際上你卻得到了其他五個人的友情.

以後你還能得到更多, 當別人有了別的水果的時候, 也一定會和你分享, 你會從這個人手裡拿到一個橘子, 那個人手裡拿到一個梨, 最後你可能就得到了六種不同的水果, 六種不同的味道, 六種不同的顏色, 六個人的友誼.

要鍛鍊出寬闊的心靈, 不要任何事都有[我]人生無常, 不論何時何地, 都要泰然面對終點, 清醒而不迷茫。


That's The Different

This is a great different

between the books

that men make and the books

that make men

















印度东北部从 IMPHAL 到 DIMAPUR 的路上, 常常都会有持枪强盗出现, 当地人见怪不怪, 而一般人情愿花些钱乘飞机也不愿冒险乘车前去. 由于每星期二, 四, 六才有班机直飞 DIMAPUR, 当天恰巧是星期天没班机飞往, 经过深思熟虑后还是决定乘此机会好好去"经历一回".

当天接送我的司机 SHOZII 是位虔诚的基督徒, 在六小时的车程中, 我们有许多思想上的交流. 我还清楚记得他问我: 在东南亚有没有青少年叛逆的问题? 我回答道: 留然有啊! 我相信全世界都一样, 小孩长大了总以为自己是"大人"了, 可自主自立自成一格, 总认为父母亲的思维太老套了, 根本谈不上"入流"; 在加上与父母间没共同话题, 总觉得父母不比同学及朋友了解他们, 因此成天往外跑, 在与父母缺乏良好沟通的情况下, 彼此鸿沟愈来愈大, 意见分歧也越来越深.

为此我们常常听许多父母抱怨, 儿女难管教, 希望将他们送入激励培训营, 或什么补习班, 自认为孩子需要让他人的父母教导才有效. 再者父母们常常把孩子拿去"比赛", 我孩子钢琴考上第八级, 学校考第几名次, 几个A, 代表学校演讲比赛等... 孰不知孩子们是否乐在其中, 享受学习及成长的喜悦抑或心存抗拒, 苦不堪言...

身为父母的我们不只是赚钱, 养育, 供学这般简单而已, 为了与儿女有更多共同的话题, 更良好的沟通, 我们也得开始去了解谁是曹格? 周杰伦最近发了专辑么歌最红? 马来西亚十大歌星谁上榜了? 潘玮柏与李多海怎么了? C. RONADOLD 最近加盟了西班牙那支球队? 姚明计划买下中国那支篮球队? GAMEBOY 第六版将於面世? 红透半边天的歌曲"童话"是那位歌星创作?

倘若十问九不知, 只谈我们熟悉的姚苏蓉, 费玉清, 青山, 凤飞飞, 汪洋中的一条船, 兰与黑, 酒醉的探戈, 玩玻璃弹珠, 飞机跳游戏, 反而大肆批评现代流行歌手没深度, 花边八卦新闻一罗罗, 怪孩子怎么这般幼稚, 倒不如多花些时间在学业上; 试着深入想想, 如此一来怎不会有亲子间的代沟问题呢? 难怪孩子们都想往外寻求所谓的"知已".

父母爱拿孩子与他人比较, 比赛, 常常对孩子说: [你看隔壁的小明拿了7个A, 你怎么才5个A, 你怎么总是不比他人好呢?], [老符的小孩又乖巧又懂事, 那像你成天往外跑, 越大越不懂事]. 父母们常常误解好小孩乖小孩总该是那种模样与性格, 因而严苛要求, 偶尔还体罚孩子, 忽略了孩子也有自尊心. 孰不知小孩的样子就是父母的样子.

因此孩子也会把父母拿去比较, 比赛, 心里想: [小明的爸妈总是不厌其烦的鼓励与教导, 但爸妈你们除了批判打骂, 还为我在学业上及个人成长上做了什么?], [符叔叔总是对孩子小小的成绩, 大大的肯定及鼓励, 还陪他去看了一场电影, 赏了言承旭演唱会入场券, 而我考了5个A, 却连一点赞扬也没有!]

到最后恍然发觉父母也得报名参加成人教育课程, 亲子关系课程, 学习如何与儿女有良好的互动, 进而走入他们的世界, 除了是父子母女关系, 还可以是朋友, 兄弟姐妹等多重关系.

SHOZII 表示他会尽毕身於服侍主并致力於筹办学院, 希望以基督教教义为基础来为青少年做些什么. 为了筹办学基金, 他邀朋友写了3首诗歌, 自己也完成了7首诗歌, 发行唱片CD, 将所有收入纳为办学基金. 他表示自己虽然不是神职人员, 但他愿将一生献给主及青少年们.

在世界上任何角落都有如 SHOZII 这种为社会大众默默耕耘, 付出不问收获者, 确实令人敬佩. 这六个小时有如不停跳"踢死狗"的旅程是如此的丰盛...









Who is in Control?

I believe..

That either you control

your attitude

or it controls you


Keep Going..

I believe..

That you can keep going

long after you can't



I believe..

That you should always leave loved ones

with loving words

It may be the last time you see them


They Do Love You

I believe..

That just because someone

doesn't love you

the way you want them to

doesn't mean they don't love you

with all they have


Forgive and Forget

I believe..

That no matter how good a friends is

they're going to hurt you every once in a while

and you must forgive them for that


Who're We Become

I believe..

That our backgroound and circumstances

may have influenced who we are

but we are responsible for who are we become



Significance of Life

If you don't feel the futility of words,

it shows you have lived very superficially.

If the life you have been living

can be conveyed in words,

it means you have not lived at all.

A song's significance

lies not so much in what is sung,

but how it is sung.



The most unfortunate people

are those who never feel grateful.

The very gratefulness itself

fulfils the purpose of life.

It brings joy and you experience your fullness.


Power of Self

Unpleasant experiences come and go.

Accept them with the power of Self.





















