
Two Choices...

When we wake up in the morning,

we have two simple choices.

Go back to sleep and dream,

or wake up and chase those dreams.

Choice is yours...


Never explain...

Never explain yourself to any one,

because the person who likes you doesn't need it,

and the person who dislikes you won't believe it.



Don't let someone become a priority in your life,

when you are just an option in their life...

Relationship work best when they are balanced.


Enjoy every moment of life ...

Time is like a river,

you cannot touch the same water twice,

because the flow that has passed

will never pass again.

Enjoy every moment of life ...


Think Twice...

Don't make promise when you are in joy.

Don't reply when you are sad.

Don't take decision when you are angry.

Think Twice... and Act Wisely.


Never too Late 2 Change

We make them cry who care for us.

We cry for those who never care for us.

And we care for those who will never cry for us.

This is true of life; it strange but true.

Once you realise this, its never too late to change.


You're what U think

When you keep saying you are busy,

then you are never free.

When you keep saying you have no time,

then you will never have time.

When you are saying that you will do it tomorrow,

then your tomorrow will never come.



Law of Attraction

You are in a partnership with the law of attraction, and it is through this partnership between the two of you that you are creating your life.

Each person has their own personal partnership with the law of attraction. You uses the law for themselves. You cannot use the law of attraction on someone else, againts their free will.

And when you think about it, thank goodness the law operates this way. If it did not, then anybody else could create something in your life that you did not want.

You create through your thoughts and feelings, and no-one but you can think your thoughts or feel your feelings.

Audia Pooja

Leave it ...

Never try to compel otheres to change; leave them free to change naturally and orderly baecause they wnat to; and they will want to when they find that your changes was worthwhile.

"To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and becoming more noble yourself."

CHRISTIAN D. LARSON (1874 - 1954)

Mastery of Self

Audia Pooja



游 远离非洲

朋友 mail 给我一个网站,起初并不觉得有什么特别,可是看了之后,发现原来里头存有 “2种极端” 的看法,这个就有趣了!…

这个网站的出现,原于有人 “被骗”“看不惯” 某些人的行为,而以 “正义之士” 的角度检举!正义之士指明某 “C博士” 的做法,为自己创造了丰厚的收入,可是他的手法却造成了不少后遗症;又提到 “M集团” 的做法,只求业绩表现,运用人性的弱点,达成目的;后来牵扯到某这个行业的阴暗面…

这样公然的评击,难免会引起 “维护份子” 的回荡;有的人开始澄清,理论,并给予不同的解释!在一来一往的交锋中,让我这个局外人,更加了解原来 “事情可以这样发生” 的!

满足了 “好奇心” 之后,接着下来,我问自己的问题是:

“关我什么事” ?
“我学到什么” ?
“这件事对我有什么好处” ?

任何行业,都有人 “认同”“否定” ,任何的做法,都有其 “特定” 的理由,有时侯说也说不清楚!重点是 “出发点” 是什么?如果出发点是 “正大光明” 的,又何需理会 “短时间” 的误解呢?



有的人每天阅读报纸(我是很少看报的),看了一大堆是非难分的内容,然后花了很多生命能量来讨论,请问到头来得到什么实质的回馈?如果您喜欢 “斗争” ,您会发现一山还有一山高,没完没了!

遇到这样的情况,就 “远离非州” 吧;这里讲的非州,指的是 “是非之地” !














Thinking your day in Advance

"When you say to yourself, 'I'm going to have a pleasant visit or a pleasant journey' you're literally sending elements and forces ahead of your body that will arrange things to make your visit or journey pleasant.

When before the visit or the journey or the shopping trip you're in a bad humor, or fearful or apprehensive of something unpleasnat, you're sending unseen agencies ahead of you which will make some kind of unpleasantness.

Our thoughts, or in other words, our state of mind, is ever at work 'fixing up' things good or bad in advance."

Printice Mulford wrote those words in the 1870s. What a pioneer! You can see clearly how important it is to think in advance every event in every day. You will no doubt have experienced the opposite of thinking your day in advance, and one of the repercussions of that is having to rush and hurry.

If you're rushing or hurring, know that those thoughts and actions are based in fear (fear of being late) and you're "fixing up" bad things ahead for you. As you continue to rush, you will attract one bad thing after another into your path.

In addition to that, the law of attraction is "fixing up" more future circumstances that will cause you to rush and hurry. You must stop and move yourself off that frequency. Take a few moments and shift yourself, if you don't want to summon bad things to you.

Many people, particularly in Western societies, chase "time" and complain that they don't have enough time. Well, as someone says that they don't have enough time, so it must be by the law of attraction.

If you have been chasing your tail with thoughts of not having enough time, from now on declare emphatically, "I have more than enough time", and change your life.



Adam Khoo
Singapore's youngest millionaire at 26 yrs

I travel around the region pretty frequently, having to visit and conduct seminars at my offices in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Suzhou (China).

I am in the airport almost every other week so I get to bump into many people who have attended my seminars or have read my books.

Recently, someone came up to me on a plane to KL and looked rather shocked. He asked, 'How come a millionaire like you is traveling economy?' My reply was, 'That's why I am a millionaire. ' He still looked pretty confused.

This again confirms that greatest lie ever told about wealth (which I wrote about in my latest book 'Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires'). Many people have been brainwashed to think that millionaires have to wear Gucci, Hugo Boss, Rolex, and sit on first class in air travel.

This is why so many people never become rich because the moment that earn more money, they think that it is only natural that they spend more, putting them back to square one. The truth is that most self-made millionaires are frugal and only spend on what is necessary and of value.

That is why they are able to accumulate and multiply their wealth so much faster. Over the last 7 years, I have saved about 80% of my income while today I save only about 60% (because I have my wife and 2 kids, mother in law, 2 maids etc. to support). Still, it is way above most people who save 10% of their income (if! they are lucky).

I refuse to buy a first class ticket or to buy a $300 shirt because I think that it is a complete waste of money.

When I joined the YEO (Young Entrepreneur's Orgn)a few years back (YEO is an exclusive club open to those who are under 40 and make over $1m a year in their own business) I discovered that those who were self-made thought like me. Many of them with net worth well over $5m, travelled economy class and some even drove Toyota's and Nissans,not Audis, Mercs, BMWs.

I noticed that it was only those who never had to work hard to build their own wealth (there were also a few ministers' and tycoons' sons in the club) who spent like there was no tomorrow. Somehow, when you did not have to build everything from scratch, you do not really value money. This is precisely the reason why a family's wealth (no matter how much) rarely lasts past the third generation.

Thank God my rich dad foresaw this terrible possibility and refused to give me a cent to start my business.

Then some people ask me, 'What is the point in making so much money if you don't enjoy it?'

The thing is that I don't really find happiness in buying branded clothes, jewellery or sitting first class. Even if buying something makes me happy it is only for a while, it does not last.

Material happiness never lasts, it just give you a quick fix. After a while you feel lousy again and have to buy the next thing which you think will make you happy. I always think that if you need material things to make you happy, then you live a pretty sad and unfulfilled life..

Instead, what makes me happy is when I see my children laughing and playing and learning so fast. What makes me happy is when I see my companies and trainers reaching more and more people every year in so many more countries.

What makes me really happy is when I read all the emails about how my books and seminars have touched and inspired someone's life.

What makes me really happy is reading all your wonderful posts about how this blog is inspiring you. This happiness makes me feel really good for a long time, much much more than what a Rolex would do for me.

I think the point I want to put across is that happiness must come from doing your life's work (be it teaching, building homes, designing, trading, winning tournaments etc.) and the money that comes is only a by-product.

f you hate what you are doing and rely on the money you earn to make you happy by buying stuff, then I think that you are living a life of meaninglessness.


"His ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws and reflected in millions of lives — in seniors who know new dignity, in families that know new opportunity, in children who know education’s promise, and in all who can pursue their dream in an America that is more equal and more just — including myself." PRESIDENT OBAMA, on Senator Edward M. Kennedy.



Mastery of Self

"Never try to compel others to change; leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to; and they will want to when they find that your change was worthwhile.

To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and becoming more noble yourself"


Mastery of Self

Evidence of Appreciation

Why is it that most often you find that top-quality cars are kept immaculately clean and tidy by their owners, while the older cars are often dirty and messy inside?

The difference is the evidence of appreciation.

Appreciation of what you have brings what you want.

That is how those people attracted the better cars to them.


10 %

One of the biggest things you can do to change your circumstances around money is to take ten percent of what you receive and give it away.

This is called the spiritual law of tithing, and it is the greatest action you can take to bring more money into your life.





The Path 2 Eradicating Disease

According to the law of attraction, the path to eradicating disease is not to fight it. If you decide you are going to fight a disease, lyour focus is on fighting the disease, and we attract what we are focusing on. Allow the doctors you have chosen to do their work, and keep your mind focused on well-being.

Think thoughts of well-being. Speak words of well-being. And imagine yourself completely well.



Let the tension go and float

What does it feel like to be in harmony with th Universe?

It is the same feeling as when you float on water. If you are tense, or if you resist the water, you will sink. If you surrender to the water, the water will support you and you will float. That is the feeling, and that is how you harmonize yourself with the Universe.

Let the tension go and float!












All about LOVE

Love is the highest power we possess to be in complete harmony with the law of attraction. The more love we feel, the greater our power. The more selfless love we feel, the more unfathomable our power.

The law of attraction has been called the law of love, because the law itself is a gift of love to humanity. It is the law by which we can create incredible lives for ourselves.

The more love we feel, the greater our power to create a magnificent life of love, joy and harmony.


Begin to Ask

Beginning to ask questions about life is a sign you are having a major breakthrough.

The Truth of Life is right here for everybody, as it has always been, but only the ones who ask questions receive the answers and discover the truth. When we ask questions, deeply wanting to know the answers, we will attract the answers in a form that we can understand.

To receive answers in life, you must begin to ask.





印度有一位知名的哲學家,天生一股特殊的文人氣質, 不知迷死了多少女人。
某天,一個女子來敲他的門, 她說: 「讓我作你的妻子吧!
哲學家來到女人的家中,問女人的父親說: 「你的女兒呢?
女人的父親冷漠地回答: 「你來晚了十年,我女兒現在已經是三個孩子的媽了!」
爾後二年,哲學家抑鬱成疾,臨死前, 將自己所有的著作丟入火堆,



也許你曾經買了一件很喜歡的衣服卻捨不得穿, 鄭重的供奉在衣櫃裡;
也許你也曾經買了一塊漂亮的蛋糕卻捨不得吃, 鄭重的把它供奉在冰箱裡;
如果你只是把你的心願鄭重的供奉在心裡, 卻未曾去實行,

Be yourself

What you want to be eventually,

that you must be every day;

The quality of our deeds

will get down into your soul.


Way to Success




These three alone lead to success
